Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Best Portrait Photographers, Photography course student, hobby for life

Best Portrait Photographers, Photography course student, hobby for life
These photographers show incredible talent
I am collating a list of the leading portrait photographers around the world and will refer my clients to the best person in their area. Please contact me if you would like to be considered for inclusion.
I create unique jewelry by carving a portrait in gemstone and setting it into gold. I want to have the very best portrait photographs to use for my cameo portraits. I often ask my clients to visit the best portrait photographer in their area to have a photo shoot.
I will not automatically add a photographer to this lens. I need to be satisfied that their work is of a very high standard.
What makes a great portrait photograph
How a photo studio creates the best shots
Great Lighting, relaxed subjects and dynamic composition.
This is where a professional really earns their fee. There are two approaches; in the studio or outside.
Some photographers like to set up their shots in their own studio. Here they have total control over the lighting and backgrounds. Some very dramatic and breathtaking photos can be shot this way. Relaxing the subject is so important and takes some real skill to achieve inside a studio.
One of the best examples is the work of Linnea Lenkus in Los Angeles. These are amongst the very best images that I have ever seen and any of these pictures would make a striking Portrait Cameo Jewel.
Another approach is to move outside the studio. Here you can often create a more informal portrait, possibly with a hand-held camera.
This is done to great effect by Meredith Zinner in New York. The subject may be more relaxed out of doors or may even in their home. There is also the chance to add an interesting background for the photo shoot.



University of USA | Degree of USA